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Paul Choboter

Paul Choboter

Contact Information


Office: 25-313
Phone: (805) 756-5902

Research Interests:

Research interests include utilizing dynamical models and numerical simulations to learn about the dynamics of coastal ocean currents:

  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • California Undercurrent
  • Nonlinear Upwelling
  • Equator-crossing currents
  • Axisymmetric Rotating Gravity Currents


Ph.D., Dept. of Mathematical Sciences University of Alberta, 2002
M.S., Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics McGill University, 1997
B.S., Honours Mathematical Physics; Co-op  Simon Fraser University, 1995

Professional Appointments:

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Departmentt, California Polytechnic
University, San Luis Obispo, 2005 - present

Postdoctoral Research Associate, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 2002-2005

Research Projects:

  • California Undercurrent
  • Nonlinear Upwelling. This research has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Oceanography.
  • Equator-crossing currents. This constituted my Ph.D. thesis research. Research results were been presented at the IUTAM symposium on Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, and published in the Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, the Journal of Physical Oceanography and the Journal of Geophysical Research.
  • Axisymmetric rotating gravity currents. This research has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Forced disturbances in a zero vorticity gradient environment. This was my M.Sc. thesis research, and has been published in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.


Choboter, P. F., R. M. Samelson, and J. S. Allen, A new solution of a nonlinear model of upwelling. Journal of Physical Oceanography 35, no. 4, pp. 532-544.

Choboter, P. F., and Swaters, G. E. 2004 Shallow-water modeling of Antarctic Bottom Water Crossing the Equator. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 109, No. C3, C03038, DOI:10.1029/2003JC002048.

Choboter, P. F., and Swaters, G. E. 2003 Two-layer models of abyssal equator-crossing flow. Journal of Physical Oceanography 33, no. 7, pp. 1401-1415.

Choboter, P. F. and Swaters, G. E. 2000 Modelling Equator-Crossing Currents on the Ocean Bottom. Canadian Applied Math Quarterly vol. 8, Issue 4, Winter 2000.

Choboter, P. F., Brunet, G. and Maslowe, S. A. 2000 Forced disturbances in a zero absolute vorticity gradient environment. J. Atmospheric Sciences 57, no. 9, pp. 1406-1419.

Choboter, P. F. and Swaters, G. E. 2000. On the baroclinic instability of axisymmetric rotating gravity currents with bottom slope. J. Fluid Mechanics 408, pp. 149-177.

Behr, J. A., Gorelov, A., Swanson, T., Häusser, O., Jackson, K.P., Trinczek, M., Giesen, U., D'Auria, J.M., Hardy, R., Wilson, T., Choboter, P., Leblond, F., Buchmann, L., Dombsky, M., Levy, C.D.P., Roy, G., Brown, B.A., and Dilling, J. 1997 Magneto-optic Trapping of beta-Decaying 38Km, 37K from an on-line Isotope Separator. Physical Review Letters 79, 375-378.


American Geophysical Union 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2004. Topographic Effects in a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Upwelling.

Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society - Canadian Symposium in Fluid Dynamics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, June 2004. A New Exact Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Upwelling.

Physical Oceanography Lunch Seminar, University of Washington School of Oceanography, April 2004. A New Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Ocean Upwelling.

Physical Oceanography Seminar, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, March 2004. A New Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Ocean Upwelling.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. January 2004. Dynamical Forcing of the California Undercurrent.

University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC. November 2003. Invited seminar: A New Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Ocean Upwelling.

EUROMECH Workshop 428: Transport by Coherent Structures in Geophysical and Environmental Flows. 2001 ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy. Abyssal cross-equatorial transport by currents and eddies.

Wave Phenomena III: Waves in Fluids from the Microscopic to the Planetary Scale. 2001 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Evaluating a model of abyssal equator-crossing flows.

IUTAM Symposium: Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics. 2000 University of Limerick, Ireland. Modelling the dynamics of abyssal equator-crossing currents.

Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society - Canadian Symposium in Fluid Dynamics 1998, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. Mesoscale currents along a sloping bottom in a cylindrical geometry.

Canadian Applied Mathematics Society 1997, Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario. Rossby waves on a parabolic jet with source forcing. (Conference poster presentation)

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